Discover how our platform simplifies the tutoring process for parents and students. With just a few easy steps, you can sign up, browse qualified tutors, connect directly, and schedule personalized sessions—all designed to fit your family’s routine. Track progress and receive feedback regularly while enjoying flexible payment options and a variety of resources to enhance your child’s learning experience.
Download the app from google play store and create a free parent/teachers account with just a few details.
Filter by subject, class level, location, and availability to find the perfect match.
Message us directly to discuss your child’s needs and goals.
Set a lesson time that fits your family’s routine.
Monitor improvements and milestones through regular feedback.
Join the Ghar Tutors family and help your child reach their full potential. With qualified teachers, personalized learning, and a safe, supportive community, the path to academic success has never been clearer. Sign up now and give your child the gift of knowledge and confidence.
We offer comprehensive support across core academics, skill-building, and curriculum alignment to ensure your child excels in school and beyond. From English and Math to study techniques and critical thinking, our programs are tailored to suit every learner's needs.
English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Languages.
Study techniques, foundational literacy, and critical thinking exercises.
Align lessons with your child’s school syllabus to reinforce classroom learning.
Rigorously screened tutors ensure subject expertise and a passion for teaching.
Unique strategies tailored for every student’s learning journey.
Lessons arranged to fit your family’s routine, any time of the day.
Verified profiles, feedback systems, and trust-building processes.
Competitive rates and transparent payment options without hidden fees.
At Ghar Tutors, our mission is simple: To ensure that students from Class 1 to Class 12 receive the guidance they need, when and where they need it. We strive to create a supportive, accessible environment where parents can easily find educators who share their values and understand their children’s unique learning styles.
Get in touch for queries, support, or assistance. We’re here to help! Your feedback is valuable to us!
House no: 02, Kali Mandir Path, Beharbari, Guwahati 781029,
Kamrup Metro, Assam